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Happy Tails

Success stories from people who have adopted pets from us.
* Warning - some "before" images maybe graphic

"I wanted to share you all about our new journey with Journey. I have been blessed with the opportunity to take in our home girls who have been identified as victims of sex trafficking while we find long-term homes for them.


Not only does Journey bring a sense of safety to the home, but she has been very therapeutic to the girls when they come. She loves on them, plays with them, and even sleeps with some of them. I thank you guys so much for her. She is a blessing to so many lives!" - Anonymous Adopter

Pete (Basil)

Have you adopted a pet from us? We would like you to submit your story! 


Send us your Happy Tail along with some photos to

"This is Pete (Basil) adopted from Animal Aid of Tulsa two years ago. He was rescued from the side of the road in Jenks at two weeks old. He and his three other siblings were clinging to their deceased mother who had been hit by a car. His big sister, Roxy (dog) spotted him at an adoption event and their bond was immediate. He is his Daddy's boy and purrrrfect for our family!" - Michelle and Tom M.

Buggs (Jules)

"This is Buggs (Jules). She was attacked by something and had to lose an eye. I wanted to foster Cruise and Kelly (Adoption Coordinator) asked if I wanted to foster her as well, because they were pals. I got them home and fell in love as soon as I picked her up! She’s such a funny and gentle kitty, we love her." - Kara W.

Angel (Princess)

"Angel (Princess) was originally taken from Tulsa Animal Welfare by Animal Aid of Tulsa after being surrendered with extreme skin conditions. She was adopted out and then returned, because her adopter thought she hurt his other dog. Her mange was back so Animal Aid had to get her healthy again.


We still don't believe she hurt the little dog. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body, has never even growled here and has three furry brothers and sisters and three human ones. We love her to pieces!" - Heather P.

Pippin (Vader)

"I adopted Pippin (Vader) in March 2017 after fostering him for only a week and a couple of weekends. Pippin was found with gunshot wounds, at least one went straight through his hip. You can still see two black round, hairless scars from the bullets. The bone was sticking out of his back right leg and he had heartworms, was severely dehydrated and full of bad infection. Dr. Lipstate removed the leg and he was put on heartworm treatment.


My daughter and I sent in a volunteer application and Kelly (Adoption Coordinator) asked us to meet her the next Saturday. She talked with me for about 10 minutes then said she knew just who I needed to meet. She brought Pippin out to meet us. We picked him up the following weekend and kept him a couple of times and took him to two adoption events. At the third event at Bob Hurley, I was so nervous anytime someone showed interest in him. He was extremely popular among the volunteers and the staff at Woodland West (still is...everyone goes nuts over him when I take him in for nail trim). I paced the floor a couple of hours at Bob Hurley and watched so many people ask about him. I finally blurted out that I was keeping him. I took him home that day and that was it. He's my best friend. Thank you so much for all you do." - Kerri R.


"Hello, my name is Mason! Wow, life is really good now! Here is a bit of my story. I met my new Dads on June 3rd, 2016 and they really seemed to take a liking to me, so I was able to go home with them to start living the life! I am a busy boy, but I always get to nap whenever I want. I was able to go to school to learn how to do tricks, and I follow commands very well. I hope to someday become a therapy dog, but I still have a little bit further to go. I love people and I always want to say hello.

I love to play with other dogs, run around the backyard, and nap on my bed. I also LOVE to chase squirrels! If I am really good, well even if I am not, I am able to get on the bed for cuddle time. I am also getting very big. When I came home for the first time I weighed about 30 lbs, now I am tall and weigh about 85 lbs, so I eat a lot.

I am so happy that my new humans found me at Animal Aid of Tulsa! Hopefully soon I can get a little brother or sister, so I have a playmate. But Dad is with me all day and gives me a ton of attention. I am also on Instagram (@lifeofmrmason) if you want to see more of me and my days!" - Mason, the Chinese SharPei/Lab retriever mix

Ty (Creed)

"It took him a good year to adapt to being in a permanent home, and I don’t blame him considering I did try placing him in other homes a handful of times. Between that, being hit by a car (twice, while protecting his buddy who had been hit and killed), living in a kennel for several months, getting himself in a fight with a set of dogs (a fight that he lost), and then possibly dealing with me being a bit ignorant when it comes to communicating and reading him. As a result of all that, he seemed to have some PTSD that we’ve been working through.


Now, 13 months later, he’s able to meet other dogs again, cats don’t upset him *as much* as they used to, he can take walks with Bailey without being uber protective of her, and he can handle the sound of cars driving by without ducking. - Portia G."


"In January 2016, I lost my Heart Dog Yoda to heart disease. Yoda was a very special dog, and saying good-bye to him felt like my soul was being ripped from my body.

For twelve years, my sweet boy was at my side. He joined our family right after my new husband and I closed on our first house. He went to work with me most days, even when I changed employers. He was there to welcome home our first son. He came with us when we sold our house and moved in with family for several months between closing on the new house. He loved the new yard and the room he had to run and play with his Boy. Then he welcomed our younger son home. Yoda never left my side as I recovered from a traumatic injury for 9 weeks.

When we got the news from our vet that he felt that Yoda needed to consult with a cardiologist in January 2015, I was crushed. He was nearing 12 at that point, so I knew our time was getting shorter, but was still in denial. My Sweet Boy would live forever. He had to, because I loved him so much. I didn't know how I would go on without him.

For a year, I planned my life and my schedule around a dog. I lined up people to hang out with him if I had to be away for more than a few hours. He came with us to visit people at their homes. Mostly, I stayed home with him, or brought him with me. He was taking medication every 12 hours, and I didn't want to skip or postpone doses.

His last week or two were hard for all of us. I cried a lot. I tried not to cry in front of Yoda, or the kids. Yoda struggled more each day. My husband was working out of the area at the time, and was gone during the week. I had to be strong for the kids, and for Yoda. I owed it to him. He was always so strong for me. He was my rock.

I knew in my heart that he was leaving soon, and it was killing me. His body was failing. I picked his now light 67 pound body up and put him in my bed. I didn't sleep. I counted his respiratory rate. I sobbed. I wept. I told him how very much I loved him, and how I'll never love a dog like I loved him. I told him I'd learn to be okay without him, and that he didn't need to worry about me. I told him I understood that he fought so hard to stay with me, and that I knew he was tired. I love him and I'll miss him forever, but I don't want him to be miserable for me.

Two weeks after Yoda's final vet visit, I felt Yoda's presence and I heard him tell me, "Jethro. Look for Jethro. I'm sending you a dog named Jethro." I met a local dog I saw on FB. On the way to meet him, I saw a rainbow, and an eagle was perched in the tree in my back yard. I took them as signs that Yoda was okay with me getting another dog. The dog was sweet and he looked a bit like Yo. He liked my kids. I told his current owner that I'd like my husband to meet him before I committed. She was supportive of that. I had 5 days. After 3 days, I called the lady and told her that as much as I liked him, and as much as my kids liked him, I didn't feel in my heart that he was my dog, and I'd have to pass. I didn't want to get in the way of him finding the right family, and I wasn't ready yet. And his name wasn't Jethro.

I quit looking at dogs who needed homes. I wasn't ready. I missed Yoda terribly, and I worried that I'd never love a new dog like I loved him. I worried that I'd resent the new dog for not being Yoda. That wouldn't be fair to anyone. Then, in mid-February, my older son was home sick from school. I decided to "just look" at Petfinder. I was looking at the thousands of listings for medium to large sized, male, young dogs in my area. And then I saw him. Jethro. There was a medium to large, young, male dog in my area named Jethro. He was black and tan, like Yoda. I sent a picture of my laptop screen to my husband. His response: "When are you meeting him?" I arranged for my mom to take my kids so that I could make the half hour trip to the shelter.

When I got there, they started with the pre-adoption questions. Yes, I have another dog. Yes, I own my home. Yes, my yard is fenced. Yes, I have a cat. Yes, I have children under 10. And that was when they told me that I could not adopt Jethro. The adoption counselor told me that it was a policy that jumpy or mouthy dogs could not go to homes with kids, and Jethro was both. It was close to closing time. The policy was non-negotiable, but they could let me meet another dog that would work better for my family. No, thank you. I went back to my truck. And I cried. They wouldn't let me even meet the dog Yoda had sent me. I was again heartbroken.

I went home and posted on my FB page that I was upset about the policy not even being negotiable. A previous employer, who I had worked for when I first adopted Yoda, and who had seen the transformation in him, offered to write a letter of recommendation. She is a certified humane dog trainer, a dog daycare owner, a non-profit therapy dog program founder, and a friend still-10 years after I became employed elsewhere. I took her up on her offer, then wrote a lengthy email detailing my experience with dogs and why I thought that my family could handle a young, bouncy and mouthy dog. "I'd love an opportunity to please meet Jethro and have an dialogue about his needs and my ability to meet them."

The lead adoption and behavior counselor responded to my email, and offered to let me come in and meet Jethro under her supervision so that she could talk to me about my experience. I used to co-teach dog obedience classes. I had previously owned a terrible and awful young male dog who bit people for fun, and helped him become a wonderful companion who was adored by everyone he ever met. I was confident that I could handle another naughty beast, and that my kids would be fine. I walked back to the kennels while I waited to meet her. Jethro stood in his kennel, staring at me. He sat when I asked him to. He had no issues with eye contact. He seemed very sweet. I was excited to meet him. My introduction with him went well. She cleared me to bring my husband, kids and other dog in to meet him. I told her I wouldn't be setting my kids up for another disappointment, and would not bring them until my husband and Kailie gave Jethro the All Clear. She understood.

My husband, Kailie and I visited Jethro again that weekend. I’d had several days to think about it. Was I sure this was my dog? Was I crazy for deciding to bring this dog home based on a message from my dead dog? Was I even ready for another dog yet? We still had that trip in May. Who did I trust to watch a new, rowdy dog with my senior dog with mobility issues? Kailie didn’t hate him. Kailie is pretty dog selective in her old age. But she didn’t hate him. She pretty much ignored him, which is about as good as it gets with her. My husband didn’t hate him. He says he doesn’t like dogs. Only Yoda. He’s never liked Kailie. Probably because she steals his food and doesn’t listen. But he didn’t dislike Jethro, so that was a plus. I committed and asked if I needed to have my mom bring my kids in. The weekend adoption counselor said that she had been told that she was to do whatever she had to do to get Jethro to go home with me. I said, “Let’s get the paperwork done, then. I’m not worried at all about my kids.” I filled out the paperwork, and loaded my new boy into the truck. I looked at his shelter paperwork on the way home. He was a recent transfer to Seattle from Oklahoma. His health certificate for flight was filed two days after my birthday. I told my husband that this dog was my birthday gift from Yoda. And then I cried again.

I ended up digging into his records and contacting Animal Aid of Tulsa for clarification of some vaccination dates for my vet, and was able to talk to the staff who had loved Jethro for so long. I learned that he had spent 25 months waiting for a forever home. He was adopted for a month at one point, by a man who wanted him to be a hunting dog, which he did well enough but he barked incessantly when tied in the yard. Jethro had been passed up repeatedly at adoption events because he was "too big", "too rowdy", "too scary" (WHAT?!). I created a Facebook page so that his friends in Oklahoma and the friends he met on his journey to Seattle could follow him and know that their efforts and love paid off for Jethro.

Jethro has been here for 22 months. We call him Doober-dog often enough that I worry that he’ll forget his real name. He’s hilarious. He’s expressive. He has a sense of humor. He’s challenging. He has tried all of our patience at times. He destroys things. He occasionally pees in my house. But he is incredibly sweet. He wants nothing more than to be touched. You don’t have to pet him; just touch him. Just let him sit with his hip or his back touching you, and he’s content.

The longer he’s here, the more confident I am that this dog is the dog Yoda sent me. I’m confident that Yoda sent me Jethro because Jethro is a lot like Yo was when I first met him. A little bit unruly, with a glimmer of mischief in his big brown eyes and an impish smile when he gets a reaction from you. Ridiculously sweet when he’s not being a goofball. Protective of his boys and eager to play with them. He enjoys sleeping with them in their beds. He enjoys snuggling with them to watch a movie.
He’s very in tune to us. He’s an excellent camping companion! He hardly sheds and dirt doesn’t really stick to him, so he’s allowed on most furniture with invitation. He’s great in the car, even for long trips. He settles right in and sleeps, mostly. He doesn’t jump up on us unless we ask for hugs. He’s still a little mouthy when he’s riled up. He has no concept of personal space and he’s oblivious to the idea that we might actually need to do things that don’t involve him. His behavior is coming along very well, and gets better every day. I really enjoy his companionship.

I’m eager to see the dog he is when he meets his potential, and I’m grateful to his shelter friends who obviously loved him very much and took wonderful care of him. I find it hard to understand why this sweet boy sat in a shelter for 25 months! He’s a great dog, and anyone would be lucky to have him. I’m glad for me that he waited for so long, but sad for him that he went so long without a family of his own.

Thank you Kelly, Tra, Becky and everyone else who took care of Jethro for me before I even knew he existed, and Vikki, who helped him get all the way from Oklahoma to Seattle. I’m so glad he’s here!" - Jessi B.

Charlie (Scooby)

"Charlie (Scooby) was dropped off at Tulsa Animal Welfare after being found stray, hit by a car and unable to walk. He had chewed part of his foot off due to pain. His leg was amputated, and we fostered him after surgery for about 20 minutes before falling completely in love and deciding to make him a member of the family. When we brought him home he was dirty, flea-ridden, had bald patches, and was skinny.

I have him on sensitive skin food as well as salmon oil and his undercoat is in now, he’s shiny, has put on some pounds, and looks beautiful! We just could not love this little guy more!

- Karen N."

Sweeney (AJ) and Spooky

"I adopted Sweeney (AJ) about five years ago. I don’t really know much about my his story, but I think he was owner surrendered. I adopted him after I lost my sweet Ginger girl at 13. She just collapsed in front of me one night. I tried CPR and even gave her mouth to mouth, but I couldn’t get her back. She didn’t even make it long enough to get her to the ER. Then I found this little guy who needed a home and I thought giving another dog a loving home would be the best way to honor her memory.


Spooky was really sick with coccidia for a while and I had to syringe feed her nutrical every two hours for several days. I originally named her Spooky, because I started fostering her around Halloween. I decided to keep the name because she scared me so many times when she was sick. She was so sick I couldn’t get her to eat and she got really low glucose twice, she was so dehydrated at one point I had to take her to get subq fluids, and she was peeing blood at one point but now she’s finally doing really well. - Rachel K."

Leia (Juliet)

"We adopted Leia from Animal Aid in April of 2017 and at the time her name was Juliet. Leia was thrown out of a white pickup truck on to someone's lawn here in Tulsa. They were kind and caring enough to call Animal Aid who came to get her.


She was very sick with parvo and skin issues, but she's a fighter and made a full recovery. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her! She loves attention and had no hesitation coming over to me for love and cuddles. We adopted her at 7 months old and we love her! She is so perfect! It took a little time to get her used to going outside, walking on a leash and riding in a car. Her past stuck with her and made her fearful.


But we've worked through that and now she runs with me, we play at the dog park, and ride through the Starbucks drive thru. She is so well behaved, healthy, loving and playful. I spend all day waiting to get home so we can snuggle on the couch and watch Netflix. We do everything together. Forever grateful to Animal Aid for saving my baby girl and trusting me to give her a happy life" - Chloe

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea entered our system last October in terrible shape with a shovel and gunshot injury to the head and face along with a shattered rear leg from a gunshot! 

It took a lot of time, love, patience, and of course support and donations to get her where she is today - six months later. 

She has now been adopted by a fabulous family and will live her life peacefully. We all fell in love with Sweet Pea and seeing her thrive has meant the world to us. We wish all the best to her and her new humans!

Cooper (Prince)

This is Prince, now named Cooper. His story is brutal - he was found in horrible shape. We think he was hit by a car and suffered major damage to his leg. When his rescuer found him, it looked as if he had gnawed the leg completely off. Another day and he probably wouldn't have made it. 


We got him immediate medical help to clean and repair his stump. And, of course, Cooper got lots of food and love. Now, he can relax in a loving furrever home with his best friends! He's come back to life before our eyes.


Eleven was living in a park until her rescuer spent about a month earning her trust to bring her in. She was in bad shape due to malnutrition and probable maltreatment at some point in her life: El is missing her bottom teeth and no one knows why. 

She spent several months waiting for her family, and they've come! She was adopted several weeks ago and with lots of love and cheese, her personality is emerging. El loves playing with squeaky stuffed animals, going for walks, and having all the naps and cuddles she wants!

Oliver (Nacho)

"We adopted Oliver at the end of June. I had just lost my heart dog, Gizmo a few weeks prior and had convinced myself that if I were to adopt again I needed a puppy in the hopes that it would be many years before I had to go through the heartbreak of losing another baby. However, when I saw Oliver's bio I knew immediately it was meant to be. And I was right.

Oliver is eight years old and has a past of possible abuse. He has limited mobility due to a leg injury, but our house was already outfitted for this type of handicap and Oliver recuperated well and continues to improve both physically and mentally. He is my constant companion and is such a love. All he needed was someone to give him a chance and thank God Animal Aid gave him that chance to find a forever home where he will be treasured forever. 

There are bumper stickers, stories, and commercials that state that rescue is a two way street. This is a fact. I needed Oliver as much as he needed me. Thank you again Animal Aid. Please keep up the wonderful work - Julie B."

Trinity (Allie)

Allie was found in labor on a neighborhood street. An emergency C-section was performed, but none of the babies were living. She was also extremely emaciated and weak.

Jeremiah and Carrie had recently lost their beloved fur babies Bogar and Bruiser. Allie came into their lives as if she was sent to ease their broken heart. Carrie says, “I truly believe with my whole heart that Bogar and Bruiser got together at the rainbow bridge and searched and searched and they lead us to the brightest most loving soul here on earth at this time...”  

When Jeremiah and Carrie saw Allie’s photo, they immediately fell in love with her. Carrie recalls the day they met – “She has bonded to us both so deeply in just one day. The bond is so strong. She fits in our
family so good! I know without a shadow of a doubt that she completes our beautiful little family and she’s our best friend. We also feel so blessed to be a part of the Animal Aid family!”

Bowie (Eglantine)

Eglantine, the featured cat in our fall/winter 2018 newsletter, was adopted by Abe and Elizabeth shortly after it was published.

Elizabeth recalls, “A few months ago Abe stopped in to the Animal Aid of Tulsa thrift store and fell in love with a sweet old girl. Eglantine had been rescued from the streets and due to head trauma, she has one eye that is discolored (just like David Bowie). She also had suffered so much from neglect that her few remaining teeth had to be pulled. How could we not fall in love with such a beautiful
creature? Shortly after I met Eglantine, we took her home to foster and see if our Gandy would be ok with another kitty in the house again. The toothless kitty loves feeding times and can't help but gobble up her food with fervor! While they're not best friends yet, both kitties are doing great and able to live in harmony, so we made the adoption official.”

Abe reports, “Bowie has really enjoyed being here and her coat has grown out really pretty, she almost looks like a different cat!”

Oliver (Frank)


11 years ago I met "Frank" at Animal Aid and fell in love. He was 5 years old when my partner and I adopted him and he really showed me the true meaning of love. At first he was timid and scared they said he had been wandering the street of north Tulsa. And the moment we took him home when he jumped on our couch we knew it was forever. We shared 10 happy years together and I wouldn't have made it without him. Last May we had to say goodbye but he was the light of my life. I want to credit Animal Aid for being amazing and provided us with such a beautiful soul I have not been able to bring myself to find a new baby because Frank or Oliver as we called him is my forever baby. 


Thank you Animal Aid. <3

by Tess O.

Animal Aid of Tulsa

6811 E 21st St

Tulsa, OK 74129

Adoption & Rescue - 918.794.6688

Thrift Store - 918.744.1648

© 2024 Animal Aid of Tulsa



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