B.E.T.S.Y Project
In conjunction with Pawsitively Tulsa, Animal Aid of Tulsa (AAOT) launches the B.E.T.S.Y. (Bringing Education to School Youth) project designed and named in honor of a pit mix rescued by AAOT, Betsy. Betsy was found pregnant and abandoned in a shed. She delivered and nursed nine beautiful thriving puppies but was deemed unadoptable herself and was euthanized at veterinarian recommendation because of her fears and aggression related to her past when she had been terribly mistreated.
Our youth hold the key to impacting and improving Tulsa’s animal welfare issues and it is our goal to provide them with the knowledge base to make educated decisions related to healthy, compassionate, responsible care for companion animals. The program, developed with the help of Tulsa’s own Riverfield Country Day School students, will cover specific topics related to overpopulation, animal welfare ordinances, resources for spay and neuter programs, vaccinations, and proper training and care of canine and feline companions.
The ongoing project will provide educational demonstrations using rescue animals, visual aids, interactive learning techniques, and rewards for positive participation, including opportunities for ongoing animal welfare volunteer involvement. The attached video is part of our educational materials.